Just a few things from my undergrad algs class.
Linear Time Selection
//Shawn O'Neil CS422 Linear Time Selection Winter 04
// found the 100th element (from beginning) in a list of 2,000,000, sorted last to first (2000000 ..... 0)
// in 50 seconds, using ~100 MBs of memory!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string* getInput(int s);
string* breakIntoFifth(int n, string *input, int *fifthlength);
string getElement(string *input, int n, int k, bool median);
string linSelSort(string *input, int n, int k);
//handles input and output
//line 1: number of elements in input (s)
//lines 2 through s+1: inputs into the input array (str)
//line s+2: the element to look for
int main()
int s = 0;
int k = 0;
cin >> s;
if (s == 0)
string *str = getInput(s);
cin >> k;
string answer = linSelSort(str, s, k);
//cout << "The " << k << "th element is " << answer << endl;
cout << answer << endl;
//delete[] str;
//returns the k'th element in a list *input n long, in n time.
string linSelSort(string *input, int n, int k)
if(n < 6) return getElement(input, n, k, false);
string output;
int lengthoffifth = 0;
string *fifth = breakIntoFifth(n, input, &lengthoffifth);
string pivot = linSelSort(fifth, lengthoffifth, (int)lengthoffifth/2);
string *bef = new string[n]; int befct = 0;
string *eq = new string[n]; int eqct = 0;
string *aft = new string[n]; int aftct = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if(pivot.compare(input[i]) > 0) //pivot is greater than input[i]
{ bef[befct] = input[i]; befct++; }
else if(pivot.compare(input[i]) == 0) //pivot is equal to input[i]
{ eq[eqct] = input[i]; eqct++; }
else if(pivot.compare(input[i]) < 0) //pivot is less than input[i]
{ aft[aftct] = input[i]; aftct++; }
string *returning;
if(k <= befct)
returning = bef;
n = befct;
else if(k > befct+eqct)
returning = aft;
k = k - befct - eqct;
n = aftct;
else return eq[0];
output = linSelSort(returning, n, k);
delete[] fifth;
delete[] bef;
delete[] eq;
delete[] aft;
//delete[] input;
return output;
//breaks an array into chunks of five, returning an array 1/5 the size made out the medians of the chunks
string* breakIntoFifth(int n, string *input, int *fifthlength)
int lenoutput = 0;
if(n%5 == 0) lenoutput = n/5;
else lenoutput = (int)(n/5)+1;
*fifthlength = lenoutput;
string *output = new string[lenoutput];
string *chunk = new string[5];
int chunkpos = 0;
int outputpos = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
chunk[chunkpos] = input[i];
if(chunkpos == 4 || i == n-1) //if we run out of room in our chunk or we are at the end of the input
output[outputpos] = getElement(chunk, chunkpos, 0, true);
chunkpos = 0;
delete[] chunk;
return output;
//given s, reads the next s lines from standard in, buildig and array of string to return
string *getInput(int s)
string *array;
array = new string[s];
string bogus;
getline(cin, bogus);
for(int i = 0; i < s; i++)
getline(cin, array[i]);
return array;
//brute force get an element from the list
//if median = true, returns the median
//else returns the kth element
//Bubble sort is constant time on a limited size input ;-)
string getElement(string *input, int n, int k, bool median)
if(n == 1) return input[0];
string output;
bool sorted = false;
sorted = true;
for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
if(input[i].compare(input[i+1]) > 0)
string temp = input[i];
input[i] = input[i+1];
input[i+1] = temp;
sorted = false;
if(median == true)
return input[(int)n/2];
else if(k <= n)
return input[k-1];
string sucker = "sucker, you asked for an element outside the list";
return sucker;
Matrix Multiplication
Dynamic programming method for optimizing matrix chain multiplication.
// Shawn O'Neil Dynamic Programming for optimal Matrix Multiplication, Algorithms with Andy Poe Winter 04
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int* getInput(int nummats);
void computeTable(int nummats, int* dimsarray);
void printOut(int **mults, int **divides, int nummats, int row, int col);
//Main method, calls IO and handes the case for only 1 matrix.
int main()
int nummats = 0;
cout << "Please enter number of matrices: ";
cin >> nummats;
if(nummats == 1)
cout << "You need zero multiplications." << endl;
int *dimsarray = getInput(nummats);
computeTable(nummats, dimsarray);
//given a number of matrices, and an array of dimensions (size 1+nummats)
//computes the table of the least amount of multiplies from matrices a through b
//where this is stored in mults[a][b] (arrays start at 0, that is the number
//of mults required for the first through third arrays are stored in mults[0][2])
//and computes the appropropriate divide point for each multipilication in divides
void computeTable(int nummats, int* dimsarray)
int **mults = new int*[nummats];
int **divides = new int*[nummats];
for(int i = 0; i < nummats; i++)
mults[i] = new int[nummats];
divides[i] = new int[nummats];
for(int i = 0; i < nummats; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < nummats; j++)
{mults[i][j] = -1; divides[i][j] = -1;}
for(int i = 0; i < nummats; i++)
mults[i][i] = 0;
int y = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < nummats; i++)
y = 0;
for(int x = i; x < nummats; x++)
//here is where the order we want happens within the array, for x,y
//so what is the least number of multiplications to multiply arrays y through x?
//cout << x << "," << y << endl;
//int othermults = mults[x-1][y];
//if(mults[x][y+1] < othermults) othermults = mults[x][y+1];
int togethermults = 0;
if(x-y < 2)
togethermults = dimsarray[y]*dimsarray[x]*dimsarray[x+1];
for(int div = y; div < x; div++) //divide after the divide number
int temp = dimsarray[y]*dimsarray[div+1]*dimsarray[x+1];
temp += mults[div][y];
temp += mults[x][div+1];
if(temp < togethermults || togethermults == 0)
togethermults = temp;
divides[x][y] = div;
mults[x][y] = togethermults;
//increment the y at the end
cout << "You need " << mults[nummats-1][0] << " multiplications." << endl;
printOut(mults, divides, nummats, 0, nummats-1);
cout << endl;
//given a divides matrix and a row and column, prints out
//the parenthatized multiplation pattern for the optimal
//matrix multiplication of matrices row through column (again starting at 0)
// nummults = 5, 1,2,3,4,5,6 should be (((( 1 2 ) 3 ) 4 ) 5 )
// or in my format, (((( 0 1 ) 2 ) 3 ) 4 )
void printOut(int **mults, int **divides, int nummats, int row, int col)
//cout << "row is " << row << " col is " << col << endl;
if(col-row == 0) cout << " " << row+1 << " ";
else if(col-row == 1) cout << "( " << row+1 << " " << row+2 << " )";//cout << "( "<< row << " " << row+1 << " )" << " ";
int divide = divides[col][row];
cout << "(";
printOut(mults, divides, nummats, row, divide);
printOut(mults, divides, nummats, divide+1, col);
cout << ")";
//handes input, given a number of matrices, asks for the dimensions and returns them in an array
int* getInput(int nummats)
int *array;
array = new int[nummats+1];
for(int i = 0; i < nummats+1; i++)
if(i == 0) cout << "Please enter the number of rows in matrix 1: ";
else if(i == nummats) cout << "Please enter the number of columns in matrix " << nummats << ": ";
else cout << "Please enter the number of columns in matrix " << i << " and rows in matrix " << i+1 << ": ";
cin >> array[i];
return array;
RSA Encryption
And decryption.
//Shawn O'Neil RSA encrypt/decrypt and factor to crack, this will run slow ;-)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int AtoEmodM(int A, int e, int M);
int findPhiM(int M);
int findD(int e,int PhiM);
//Main method, handles input and output, YAY!!!!!!
int main()
string command;
int N;
int e;
int M;
while(command != "QUIT")
cin >> command;
if(cin.eof()) return 0;
if(command == "ENCRYPT")
cin >> N;
cin >> e;
cin >> M;
cout << AtoEmodM(M,e,N) << endl;
else if(command == "DECRYPT")
cin >> N;
cin >> e;
cout << findD(e, findPhiM(N)) << endl;
command = "bogusnesssdude";
//finds D given, e, PhiM where (d*e)%PhiM = 1
int findD(int e, int PhiM)
int* row0 = new int[3];
int* row1 = new int[3];
int* row2 = new int[3];
row0[0] = 0; row0[1] = PhiM; row0[2] = 0;
row1[2] = 1; row1[1] = e;
row2[1] = 7334;
while(row2[1] > 1)
row1[0] = row0[1]/row1[1];
row2[2] = row0[2]-(row1[0]*row1[2]);
row2[1] = row0[1]-(row0[1]/row1[1]*row1[1]);
int* temp = row0;
row0 = row1;
row1 = row2;
row2 = new int[3];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) row2[i] = row1[i];
delete[] temp;
int answer = row2[2];
while(answer < 0)
answer = answer+PhiM;
return answer;
//Factors M to the first two factors it finds p and q, and returns (p-1)(q-1)
int findPhiM(int M)
int p = 2;
int q = 0;
while(M/p*p != M) p++;
q = M/p;
return p*q;
//returns A^e%M in a fast manner
int AtoEmodM(int A, int e, int M)
int lastleft = 1;
int nextleft = A;
int runningproduct = 1;
while(e >= 1)
if(e/2*2 != e) runningproduct = runningproduct * nextleft % M;
lastleft = nextleft;
nextleft = lastleft * lastleft % M;
e = e/2;
return runningproduct;