Given multiple tidytensors of the same shape except the first rank, concatenates them together to create a tidytensor of the same shape, but larger in the first. For example, c(x, y, z) where x and have shape [2, 3, 5] and z has shape [10, 3, 5] returns a new tidytensor of shape [14, 3, 5].
a number of tidytensors of the same shape, or a single list of them.
a new tidytensor.
All input tidytensors must have the same shape except for the first rank. If the input ranknames conflict, only those of the first input tidytensor will be used, and a warning will be generated.
# Three tidytensors of the same shape
t1 <- as.tidytensor(array(1:(3 * 4 * 5), dim = c(3, 4, 5)))
t2 <- as.tidytensor(array(10 * 1:(3 * 4 * 5), dim = c(3, 4, 5)))
t3 <- as.tidytensor(array(100 * 1:(3 * 4 * 5), dim = c(3, 4, 5)))
ranknames(t1) <- c("sample", "row", "col")
ranknames(t2) <- c("sample", "row", "col")
ranknames(t3) <- c("sample", "row", "col")
t4 <- stitch(t1, t2, t3)
#> # Rank 3 tensor, shape: (9, 4, 5), ranknames: sample, row, col
#> | # Rank 2 tensor, shape: (4, 5)
#> | | # Rank 1 tensor, shape: (5)
#> | | 1 13 25 37 49
#> | | # ...
#> | # ...
list_example <- list(t1, t2, t3)
t5 <- stitch(list_example)
#> # Rank 3 tensor, shape: (9, 4, 5), ranknames: sample, row, col
#> | # Rank 2 tensor, shape: (4, 5)
#> | | # Rank 1 tensor, shape: (5)
#> | | 1 13 25 37 49
#> | | # ...
#> | # ...